Your body holds the stories
of your lived experiences.

What is Somatics?

Somatics is a holistic field of body work that focuses on sensations you feel in the body as they relate to experiences in your life.

Somatics is literally you paying attention to the sensations in your body as they arise! It is you paying attention to you (but for real.) Somatic work is steeped with awareness and tools that can help resolve symptoms of stress, shock, and trauma that accumulate in our bodies simply from being alive and in relationship with self and others.

The goal in somatics is never to be regulated or secure all the time. The goal is to let the nervous system move from state to state and return to baseline. Somatic work helps us to identify patterns of fight, flight, freeze or fawn in our nervous systems. Listening to the sensations in our bodies helps us release dis-ease, recover our true nature, and become more resilient in the face of future traumatic encounters.

Somatics can help with this and so much more:

  • Decreased physical symptoms in the body like pain or anxiety

  • Increased compassion and empathy

  • Increased tolerance for life

  • Increased Boundaries with self and others

  • Increased ability to express oneself

  • Relational repatterning

  • Increased sense of safety in the body and in life

  • Shedding of addictive behaviors such as codependency, eating disorders, and drug and alcohol use

When can I use Somatics in my day to day life?

“I’m triggered” “That was awkward” “WTF”

These are all phrases that we use in our day to day life that mean you have felt something in your body. Something is there to FEEL INTO. Many somatic exercises, such as grounding and resourcing, can be completed at home or work, so you can utilize them whenever you need to self-soothe after encountering a trigger.

We are commonly triggered in relationship to self and others. So any time you are relating is a great time to use somatic tools.

How can Somatics help me?

Bringing awareness back to the body to release the trauma stored deep within the nervous system can increase the quality of your life and connection to the world. Being in a body is a traumatic experience all on its own. Much less the trauma that happens when relating to others in our lives. How we internalize what happens to us is how trauma is stored in our bodies.

Trauma can hold us back from living full, happy lives by creating mental or physical dis-ease. Somatics helps us to recognize how our body feels and where our unprocessed emotions are within our tissue. When you suppress or hide your difficult emotions and you don’t give yourself time and space to feel, move, or express your experiences- the heavy energy of your unresolved emotions like anger, shame, and fear begin to fester and create inner tension in the body. This can create some external behaviors (passive aggressiveness, sarcasm, quietness, shyness, outward exaggerated humor) or physical symptoms like inflammation, heart palpitations, anxiety, and depression. Ultimately the unprocessed emotional energy gets stored in the body and can lead to dis- ease or disease.

Somatic experiencing focuses on bodily sensations and regulating the emotional system by listening to said sensations

Somatics helps you learn how to speak the language of the body.

  • A very personalized and intimate experience with you and Carmen. The Homecoming will help you to feel more settled and at home in your body as you learn somatic tools to help you pay attention to yourself and what is true inside of you!

    Somatic embodiment is a powerful way to release the story of your mind and feel and heal the trauma that lives in your body.

    The body is SLOW, so together we take our time to listen, learn, unravel, and rewrite what it feels like to be home inside of yourself. In this work your body is the guide, so there is no pressure to do anything right, or to fix yourself in any way. Through this work you will learn that everything your bodyis doing, it is doing to protect you. Together you will learn how to expand your capacity for discomfort, and how to live your life in your fullest and truest expression.

    The homecoming includes:

    • 2 private somatic sessions with Carmen a month for 3 months

    • Unlimited yoga classes with Carmen at Awaken Yoga (3-5 classes a week)

    $375/ month for three months

    After moving through this course you will be able to schedule one on one as needed somatic sessions with Carmen at $150/ hour session

  • $150/hr
    Note: The homecoming is required before doing individual sessions